Sunday 8 July 2007

Why? WHY?

So what are blogs all about then? This is a question which has troubled me of late. Should my blog really be merely an opportunity for you all to gasp in awe at the sheer depth and profundity of my thoughts, producing both insight and humour woven seamlessly into a warm and fuzzy blanket?

I dunno.

My blog was, in its conceptual phase, a vehicle with which I was going to share my insights into the depths of the universe around us, interspersed with humour to keep your spirits up. It has, however, turned into a riotous comedic account of the profundities of my weary life, used to pad out the fact that I don't do a lot and I don't have insightful things to share very often. But when I do have profound notions, you have to admit that you read them here first. Unless I stole them from somewhere else, which is always a possibility.

So I did a quick survey of other blogs I read a lot. JayberCrow is the highest form of human intelligence and wisdom, but this week he's been shovelling sh*t. The Soapbox got all ironic and then disappeared. Zoomtard has decided less is more and Dozavtra hasn't been seen since boarding a bus bound for London on Wednesday. Knowing Translink, she could be anywhere, but it is guaranteed she'll not have got there quickly. Alex has a blog but won't tell me the address, so I have made myself believe she writes nasty things about me in it and now I feel all wounded and lacking in self-esteem. Voxo and lilytodd are holidaying in France, so we'll not hear from them for a while.

And then there's blog etiquette. Another blog I read a lot is that of Zoomtard's wife, Neuro. But I've never met her so do I put a link to her blog from mine? Is that considered polite? Or an intrusion of privacy? In any case, if I gave you the address you'd discover that I steal all her jokes and she has a nicer lunchbox than me, so I don't think I shall.

Meanwhile, I have received an anonymous comment on my blog. From someone anonymous. This is another etiquette question - is it polite to comment on a blog if you don't know the person and you just kind of lurk on their blog? And who is this person 'anonymous'? I thought that the only people who read this blog where those who I'd coerced into it by threats and blackmail. But someone is following it of their own free will. I'd like to know who. And I will find out.

And so it continues by day and by night.


Anonymous said...

Happily, on arrival at London Victoria said bus was only a few minutes behind on its 14.5 hour schedule, and I was munching croissants for breakfast with my folks by 0845 Thursday. Felt utterly inhuman for the rest of the day, despite sleeping the morning... bring back the wings.

(Does anyone else remember that brand of trainers - WINGS? I used to have an attractive pink pair and delight in running round in them with arms flapping wildly - we're talking, like aged 6 here, promise ;-)!)

ScatterCode said...

You're alive! No, I don't remember wings. Not on trainers anyhow.

I remember you running round flapping your arms more recently though.

Anonymous said...

about blog etiquette... sometimes reading blogs I feel like I'm eavesdropping on conversations between friends... or a bit like when I worked in London and read other people's newspapers over their shoulders to alleviate the boredom of the tube journey... information already in the public domain but not strictly mine to read... so I hope you (and Lilytodd for that matter) don't mind if I keep looking on...

Anonymous said...

Laughing lots here. Can't tell you who I am but I live in a Spanish convent with a rodent (a nun y mouse!)

Anonymous said...

Contact me if you think you know who I am!

Anonymous said...

Having read your questions of blog etiquette I feel obliged to ask your permission to feature your most excellent blog on the blogroll of this backwater blog belonging to a now, sadly, ex-colleague of Dozavtra.

ScatterCode said...

Karen and Colin, welcome! Link to me from anywhere you like! Anonymous person... I will find you...

Anonymous said...

Still laughing here! Don't know how often I'm going to be back - I'm not really a blogger. How long do you think it will take for you to figure it out?

I'll give you a clue - I know dozavtra too.

Hope to hear from you soon.

lilytodd said...

hey smiler! I,m enjoying a few stolen moments on the local tinternet. Anon comments are so wrong! some coward bugged me for days on a recent entry! Everyone is a suspect. Pure bad manners...

All are welcome to read lilytodd by the way, is that karen jardine?

Anonymous said...

Not sure if I'm supposed to reply to that here or on lilytodd but yes it's me. Hope you enjoyed your hols.