Saturday, 3 January 2015

Still blogging

A few people have asked me recently "still blogging?" and I'm like "well, yes, but not, like, actively of anything".

I realised I forgot to announce the arrival of Baby Smile back in August, but yes, he's here now and extremely nice. I keep doing weird things since he's been born, like being almost in tears at the thought of entering a baby in a "Most Beautiful Baby" contest, because imagine if you did that and then your baby didn't win. One day I cried because he kicked his sock out of the pram and lost it, and then the following week I was walking along the same road and found it.

Anyway, I'm vaguely working on the WhyNotSmile Guides to Pregnancy and to Baby Care. They're going to be fabulous.


Unknown said...

Great to have you back in the blog world. Welcome to baby smile. Can't wait to hear your guide to parenting. My version is basically "try not to wing my child or self out the window today."

Anonymous said...

You've been missed.xo

teddflinstone123 said...

Very insightful blog.when do babies smile

when do babies start smiling

what age do babies smile

Mariam said...

شركة مكافحة النمل الابيض بالمدينة المنورة
إذا كنت تعاني من إنتشار النمل في منزلك وإجريت العديد من الطرق التقليدية التي لا فائدة منها من أجل أن تتخلص من إنتشار النمل الابيض في منزلك أو في حديقتك وأي مكان منتشر به النمل فأليك عزيزنا العميل أقوى شركة مكافحة حشرات بالمدينة المنورة التي تعمل على مكافحة النمل بشكل نهائي بأحدث الوسائل والطرق الحديثة في ذلك شركة رش مبيدات بالمدينة المنورة تتميز بخصائص مميزة وعمالة ماهرة .
زوروا موقعنا

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Mason said...

This is a good thing in your life.